Support CMS

In addition to donating here, you can send a check payable to Creative Music Foundation to:
PO BOX 671
The Creative Music Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit incorporated in New York state. It facilitates the experience and expression of our deep connection with the transforming, liberating and healing energies of music, a universal language that we all share and is as essential to our humanity as the air we breathe. CMF does this by providing creative space where musicians from different backgrounds and traditions explore together, share and pass on their most personal musical expression and understanding, emphasizing keen awareness, focused practice, listening and communication. CMF pursues its mission through workshops, residencies, coaching, concert performances, recordings and archival projects in the USA and around the world.
Please support the Creative Music Foundation in its efforts to inspire and nurture the next generation of improvising artists and to share this music globally. CMS needs your help to make the future of creative music a reality. Large or small, your gift for creative music today will make a lasting impact, ensuring the future of the music that inspires us all. Your support of creative music enables CMS to:
Provide scholarships for workshop intensives
- Produce additional workshops beyond Woodstock and NYC
- Curate performance series
- Produce Improvisers Orchestra performances
- Develop educational and other outreach projects