Woodstock Times Profiles CMS’ Future

New Blood Revitalizes Creative Music Studio
It hardly seems possible but Woodstock’s own Creative Music Studio, that ethereal prodigy of a golden era, has been sent to the gym and returned rippling with muscle. Like the town’s original experiment in freedom (known since 1905 simply as “The Maverick”) CMS remains, first and foremost, a forever tolerant state of mind. So how do “forever tolerant” and “rippling with muscle” coexist? This is how: with a kick-ass new board, a supercharged trio of artistic directors, and the original god-parents of World Music, Karl Berger & Ingrid Sertso, imperturbably at its heart.’
Read journalist Tad Wise’s full story in the Woodstock Times.
And, if you didn’t see it last week, New York Times‘ music critic Giovanni Russonello wrote an extensive feature article on CMS and its expanded artistic team.
Read the full story.